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Maybe all those years cooped up in the vault made you anti-social. In fact, it seems that your character is constantly putting him- or herself into bad situations, sometimes needlessly.

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From packs of rats right outside your front door at the outset, to giant radioactive scorpions whose venom takes your hit points down (until you figure out to cut off a stinger and take it to a nearby doctor who can make you an antidote), to the various thugs that for some reason the game repeatedly forces you to confront and kill, there are plenty of ways to die. What is tough, however, is simply surviving the combat situations. The biggest challenge in Fallout is not finding your way around the world - even after a nuclear war and the rise of a supposedly savage dog-eat-dog "society," the folks you run into while walking around the world of Fallout are much more helpful and friendly than most of the people I pass on the street or stand in line with at the grocery story these days. Maybe it's just me, but even when I encounter an overwhelming force to fight in a turn-based game, it just fails to get my pulse pounding. If you've ever played any of the old text adventure games, you'll feel right at home in Fallout - there's a kind of retro RPG feeling to the game the only problem is that the packaging and promos for Fallout tout it as competition for the current crop of RPG/adventure games. The main actions your character can undertake vary depending on the situation, but they are usually a combination of moving, looking, talking and attacking. It fails to live up to the graphical sophistication of the Crusader series, which predates Fallout by two years, and it fails to capture the excitement of Diablo's real-time combat, or Ultima Online's role playing possibilities.įallout employs a basic point-and-click interface that is somewhat cumbersome to manage in combat situations and can easily lead to your character choosing to look at the guy he should be stabbing, rather than using that movement point to stab him. Unfortunately, being turn-based and rather short, it falls somewhere in the "OK, but nothing to write home about" category. While Fallout certainly offers almost nothing novel in terms of storyline, it does have some interesting points. Assuming that the radioactive world outside your door does not contain a friendly Wal-Mart, you pack up a gun, a knife, some flares, and head out to Mad Max your way to finding salvation for your friends and family back in Vault #13. anyway, a generation or two has passed with everyone living in underground vaults when a crisis strikes your particular vault the water purification system has broken down and they need someone - nudge, nudge - to go find a replacement. World War Three has come and gone with the attendant nuclear holocaust, and life is rough. Even mild fans of RPGs will find Fallout easy to fall into. Interplay set out to create a "real" role-playing game for the PC, and it's more than succeeded. Conversations come to life through eerily realistic facial animations, and the main graphics shine with detail, while expressive dialogue and other crisp audio elements complete the post-apocalyptic scene. The iconic, mouse-driven interface makes navigation and combat a breeze (though it's worth taking a peek at the manual, too). The game's plot isn't linear, either you can seek out people who'll help you build a new water chip, or just steal one from another vault, or you can even blow off your quest altogether. Players can easily create any type of character through a simple interface. When your vault is crippled by a busted water purifier, you're elected to explore the outside world and find a solution.įallout's strength lies in its flexibility. Intel Core i5 3470 3.In 2077, humans-the lucky ones, anyway-live in giant underground vaults that shield them from atomic radiation.


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